Friday, August 1, 2008


I had never thought about making marshmallows before. Actually, I had never put much thought into them at all. But after reading a recipe online, I really wanted to try my hand at making them.

The directions were easy enough: make a sugar syrup, whip air into it using a mixer, and then gently stir in whipped egg whites.

I made the sugar syrup and then starting beating it with a hand mixer. I was suspicious because the sugar syrup looked kinda gray and thin. Hmmm.. this doesn't look like anything that would turn into marshmallows. But after about 10 minutes of hard work with the hand mixer, POOF! It was like magic-- suddenly the mixture turned bright white and fluffy. Hurrah!

I let the marshmallows set, and then used small cookie cutters to cut them out. I made 3 shapes: squares, circles and stars. I think next time I'll stick with just squares and circles, since the soft texture doesn't hold the star points very well. To be extra fancy I drizzled half with some chocolate. I think they turned out pretty good! These might be good Christmas presents this year. The marshmallows made a sweet treat each day (in the morning AND when I came home from work) for about a week until I had my fill of them.


Jasmine said...

Hi Kel...I love Boo Mountain! Does that mean I'm sitting on top of JJ Mountain and Heather is sitting on top of Heathers Mountain? Your marshmallows look delicious.

heatherp said...

I still have high hopes for the peanut butter marshmallows coated in chocolate. mmmmmmmmmm!

Ma said...

Hi Boos--I love your "On Top of Boo Mountain". Heather is so clever. The marshmellows look great. I would have never thought or want to make marshmellows. With your great love of experimenting with food, perhaps there is a position in R & D at E-W. Love, Ma

pkl said...

I often make marshmallows as part of holiday treats. They are yummy. I've never tried cutting them into shapes though. Here is a link to the recipe I use.

To make them extra special I often scrape some vanilla bean seeds in.
